EAP @Duke Blog
The latest from the world of energy access, drawing on the expertise of the EAP team
September 2023
Portfolio evaluation of US Millennium Challenge Corporation’s Green Prosperity Program in Indonesia – new evidence indicates that concerns about the sustainability of mini-grids and off-grid energy systems have not gone away.
August 2023
We find that improved household ventilation in rural Senegal can reduce kitchen pollution levels by a similar amount as upgrading fuel and stove technology, once we account for real world cooking practices. The effects of ventilation alone are likely insufficient to deliver elusive health impacts, however, and should thus be seen as an interim step toward realizing the benefits of clean cooking.
February 2023
The DRE sector has evolved into a large and resilient employer, creating close to half a million jobs globally—or an impressive 1.7 million if we include indirect and induced employment—with Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) and India being top contributors.
October 2022
Jonathan Phillips unpacks the most commonly misunderstood concepts around the state of climate finance.
July 2022
Gabriel Davies and Matt Tilleard break down the three unique features that make solar a force for transforming much more than power markets.
March 2022
Nicholas Kilimani, Edward Bbaale, and Marc A. Jeuland argues grid connectivity is more effective in impacting development outcomes if complementary infrastructure is also present
December 2021
Yemi Gafaar and colleagues highlight the pitfalls of unreliable electricity for small businesses — and how decentralized energy can avoid them.
December 2021
Marc Jeuland and Tensay Hadush Meles reveal that utility customers are willing to pay more for reliability that we might think.
October 2021
Thomas Klug discusses the evidence surrounding prepaid electricity meter rollout in Africa.
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