Energy Access: Unconventional Solutions

"Energy Access: Unconventional Solutions", 07 Nov 2023, headshot of Omer Bomba Mohammed, Managing Partner at Veritas Consulting

Duke students are invited to join a session with Omer Bomba Mohammed, Managing Partner at Veritas Consulting. Omer will discuss the complexities of energy access challenges and cutting-edge solutions his firm is championing in Ethiopia – tailored to tackle the dual challenges of last-mile access and reliability.

This is your chance to discover innovative solutions that are making a difference in the battle against energy poverty. Explore the world of distributed renewable solutions, spanning from standalone solar for productive uses to mini-grid-powered irrigations.

This event is presented by the James E. Rogers Energy Access Project and Global Energy Access Network (GLEAN) at Duke University.

When: 07 Nov. 3:30PM – 4:45PM

Where: Sanford 201

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