Full Agenda – SETI 2022 Annual Workshop (Virtual Sessions)

Here you can find the schedule for the SETI 2022 Annual Workshop! This year the conference will take place on June 23-24, 09:00am-12:30pm Eastern Time USA, and will include policy, research, and flash talk sessions. If you want to participate in this conference, please complete a short survey here. We will reach to you in order to share the schedule with Zoom links.
Day 1 – Thursday, June 23
09:00 – 09:15. Opening Statements: introduction by leaders of SETI and EfD
By Gunnar Köhlin, Marcela Jaime and Marc Jeuland.
09:15 – 10:45. Research parallel sessions
A1: Energy & air pollution
Chair: Jevgenijs Steinbuks
09:15 – 09:45. Adolfo Uribe. Synergies in sustainable heating from cleaner stoves and retrofitted houses. Discussant: Adan Martínez-Cruz.
09:45 – 10:15. Leonard Missbach. Beyond progressivity – horizontal and vertical incidence of carbon pricing in Latin America and the Caribbean. Discussant: Adolfo Uribe.
10:15 – 10:45. Adan Martínez-Cruz. Job creation makes biomass energy appealing among middle-income urban households in an emerging economy —A discrete choice experiment in Mexico City’s wealthiest municipality. Discussant: Leonard Missbach.
A2: Electricity & energy policy
Chair: Marc Jeuland
09:15 – 09:45. Mauricio Hernández. Electricity consumption, subsidies, and policy inequalities in Mexico: Data from 100,000 households. Discussant: Shaun David McRae.
09:45 – 10:15. Shaun David McRae. Climate Change and Non-Residential Electricity Consumption. Discussant: Sydney Kabango Chishimba.
10:15 – 10:45. Sydney Kabango Chishimba. Evaluating the impact of electricity availability on household socio-economic indicators in Zambia. Discussant: Mauricio Hernández.
A3: Energy & infrastructure
Chair: Maximiliane Sievert
09:15 – 09:45. Robyn Meeks. The economic and environmental effects of infrastructure improvements: Evidence from Pakistan’s electricity sector. Discussant: Marlene Marimba.
09:45 – 10:15. Marlene Marimbe. Impact of Power Sector Reforms on Access to Electricity in Sub-Saharan Africa. Discussant: Dina Pomeranz.
10:15 – 10:45. Dina Pomeranz: Decreasing Emissions by Increasing Energy Access? Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment on Off-Grid Solar. Discussant: Robyn Meeks.
10:45 – 11:00. Break
11:00 – 12:00. Flash talks presentations
Advanced human capital formation: flash talk presentations (7 minutes each)
Chair: Marcela Jaime and Cristobal Vasquez
- Annelise Gill-Wiehl. The cost and benefits of clean cooking fuel transitions: An extended application of the BAR-HAP model in Kenya, Haiti, and Rwanda.
- Wizaso Munthali: Household preferences for cookstoves in urban Zambia: an application of best-worst scaling.
- Gabriel González Sutil: Enabling Electricity Uptake: Evidence from Rural Electrification in Rwanda.
- Solomon Aboagye: Assessing the impact of access to electricity on profits of households’ non-farm enterprises beyond connections.
- Andrew Phillip Hutchens: Parched Power Plants: The Role of Markets & Plant Traits in Power Plants’ Drought Responses.
- Churchill Agutu: Evaluating the cost competitiveness between Mini-grids and Standalone Systems: The influence of load profile aggregation on electrification model analysis outcomes.
- Thiago Pastorelli Rodrigues: Do lower taxes increase solar energy adoption? Evidence from Brazil.
- Sabah Usmani: Energy generation in the canal irrigation network in India: Integrated spatial planning framework on the Upper Ganga Canal corridor.
12:00 – 12:30. Comments on flash talks presentations
Day 2 – Friday, June 24
09:00 – 09:15. Opening Statements: Last day’s summary & engaging with SETI
By Mauricio Oyarzo (University of Concepción) and Cristóbal Vásquez (SETI & NENRE EfD-Chile)
09:15 – 10:45. Plenary session. The energy-gender nexus: an intersectionality approach & partnerships
Moderator: María del Pilar López (Universidad de Los Andes)
Session structure:
- María del Pilar López. What is WinEED? EfD’s gender collaborative.
- Johana Castañeda: The importance of the energy gender nexus from IDRC’s approach – Why there is a natural partnership between SETI and WinEED?
- Marcela Jaime: Approaching gender and intersectionality in energy transitions: Insights and challenges from a sample of countries in the Global South.
- Ipsita Das: A Virtuous Cycle? Reviewing the evidence on women’s empowerment and energy access, frameworks, metrics and methods.
- Krishnapriya Perumbillissery: Gender empowerment and energy access: Evidence from seven countries.
- Comments & questions from the audience.

María del Pilar López

Johana Castaneda

Marcela Jaime
Universidad de Concepción

Ipsita Das
Duke University

Krishnapriya Perumbillissery
Duke University
10:45 – 11:00. Break
11:00 – 12:30. Research parallel sessions
B1: Improved cooking technologies
Chair: César Salazar
11:00 – 11:30. Mandy Malan. Demand elasticity of improved cookstoves: Evidence from a randomized controlled trial in Ethiopia. Discussant: Laura Villegas.
11:30 – 12:00. Laura Villegas. The economic impacts of energy efficient stoves on forest conservation and grass-roots climate resilient development in Kenya. Discussant: Katie Dickinson.
12:00 – 12:30. Katie Dickinson: The interaction of prices and peers in shaping demand for environmental health technologies: a clean cookstove experiment in Northern Ghana Discussant: Mandy Malan.
B2: Energy-gender nexus & intersectionality
Chair: Victoria Plutshack
11:00 – 11:30. Erin Litzow. Does improving energy access improve gender outcomes? A cost-benefit analysis from Myanmar. Discussant: Marta Talevi.
11:30 – 12:00. Matthew Shupler: Gendered time, financial & nutritional gains from access to pay-as-you-go LPG for cooking in an informal settlement in Nairobi, Kenyav. Discussant: Erin Litzow.
12:00 – 12:30. Marta Talevi. Co-location of wealth, scheduled groups, and anthropogenic ambient air pollution in India. Discussant: Matthew Shupler.
B3: Energy policy
Chair: Walter Gómez.
11:00 – 11:30. Mauricio Oyarzo. Energy-efficient LED street lightining in Chilean municipalities.. Discussant: Philip Kofi Adom.
11:30 – 12:00. Philip Kofi Adom. Energy efficiency as a sustainability concern in Africa and financial development: How much bias is involved?. Discussant: Juan Fercovic.
12:00 – 12:30. Juan Fercovic. Household heating choice of wood, evidence of a slow income-driven energy transition. Discussant: Mauricio Oyarzo.
12:30 – 13:00. Bishal Bharadwaj. Ecotourism & Energy Access: Panel data evidence from the high Himalayas. Discussant: Walter Gómez.