Low Carbon Ag-Tech Mitigation Potentials by Market: Assumptions & Data
- Solar irrigation pumps in Kenya: Based on installing 1.3 million solar water pumps (the addressable market through 2030, according to Mercy Corps 2020), and assuming that diesel pumps would be installed in the absence of solar pumps.
- Solar irrigation pumps in India: Based on replacing 25% of the current stock of diesel irrigation pumps (8.8 million) with solar pumps.
- Solar conduction dryer in India: Based on scaling up deployment costs for SMEs distributing solar dryers in India; assumes 30% of solar dryer units displace unpowered drying racks and thus reduce food waste and associated carbon emissions, while 70% displace grid-powered units and thus reduce power plant carbon emissions.
- Solar cold storage in India: Based on scaled deployment from SMEs distributing solar cold storage units in India, and assumes that solar units displace diesel-powered units. Size of addressable market is based on 2017 estimates from the Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India, which noted that India’s 6,300 cold storage units provide cooling for 11% of its perishable produce. Estimated reductions are limited to CO2 emissions from powering units with solar, although preventing food waste would also reduce methane emissions from decomposition of unrefrigerated agricultural products.
- Assumes average use of diesel irrigation pumps is 2000 liters per year, and 0.0026 tons of CO2 emissions per liter of diesel fuel burned (IRENA, 2016).
- The global fleet of Tesla vehicles and solar panels displaced a total of 5.0 million metric tons of CO2e in 2020.