Program Contributors

Frank Adusah-Poku

Raavi Aggarwal
Raavi Aggarwal is a PhD candidate and researcher in the “Climate and Development” working group at the Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change, Berlin. Her research analyses the distributional impacts of carbon pricing policies on household welfare in Uganda, interactions between energy policy and labour markets, and explores questions of structural change and green industrialisation in India.

Galina Alova
Galina is based at the University of Oxford’s Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment. Her research focuses on the transition of the global electricity sector towards renewable energy and away from fossil fuels. Two of her recent studies were published in Nature Energy and were covered by over 100 news outlets and radio programmes, including BBC, The Guardian, Bloomberg, The New York Times and TIME. In her work, she applies machine-learning-based techniques to uncover novel insights form large complex datasets.

Bishal Bharadwaj
Bishal Bharadwaj is currently a PhD student in the School of Chemical Engineering at the University of Queensland. He started to engage in environmental protection by leading a youth-led campaign on the plastic bag ban in 2001. He served several offices such as section officer of environment management section of the Ministry of Local Development, planning officer of district development committee. He is interested in the effect of environmental policy and strategies to enhance its effect. His past research is on plastic bag ban, plastic waste management, renewal energy subsidy policy and household clean cooking behaviour. Bishal is investigating the influence of decision context on household clean cooking behaviour renewal energy subsidy policy in Nepal as my PhD research.

Betina Cardoso
Betina Cardoso works at the National Council Scientific and Thecnical Researchers (CONICET), Andean Patagonian Institute of Biological and Geoenvironmental Technologies (IPATEC), Universidad Nacional del Comahue (UNCo), Argentina. Currently investestigate in energy transition in rural communities, energy poverty, the energy like human right and offer-demand of firewood. Have been working in the Laboratory Bioenergy in UNAM, Mexico (2016-2018).

Ipsita Das
Ipsita Das is a Research Scientist at the Sanford School of Public Policy, Duke University. Her prior and ongoing research includes understanding drivers of environmental health behavior adoption, impacts of improved and clean energy on household welfare, and cost-benefit analyses of and willingness to pay for clean cooking. Ipsita has substantial experience implementing experimental and quasi-experimental studies in South and South-East Asia, and sub-Saharan Africa. She holds a Ph.D. in Public Policy from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill and a Master of Public Policy from Duke University.

Siyu Feng
Siyu Feng is a PhD candidate at at the Department of Economics, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. She is interested in energy economics and macroeconomics. Her research focuses on energy transitions and especially the role of electricity storage in the transition towards carbon-neutral economic growth.

Juan Fercovic Lopez

Matthias Galan
Matthias Galan is a doctoral student at the department of Ecological Economics at the Vienna University of Economics. Before enrolling in the program, he worked in international cooperation. He holds a diploma in political science and a bachelor’s degree in development studies from the University of Vienna. His research interests are energy access in the Global South, technology governance and global production networks.

Disha Gupta

Dawit Guta

Michael Hou

Shivangi Jain

Shefali Khanna

Yusuph John Kulindwa

Erin Litzow

Meera Mahadevan

Krishnapriya Perumbillissery

Rene Reyes

Julian Rose

César Salazar
César Salazar is Associate Professor in the Faculty of Business Management at Universidad del Bio-Bio, Chile, Adjunct Researcher at the Interdisciplinary Center for Aquaculture Research (INCAR)-FONDAP-CONICYT, and a Senior Research fellow at the Environment for Development Initiative (EfD). He obtained his Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Copenhagen, Denmark. His research and teaching are focused on empirical applications of development microeconomic theory to diverse problems related to the exploitation and management of natural resources economics, particularly in the fisheries, aquaculture and agriculture sectors. He also has research interests in problems associated with social capital, electoral participation and subjective well-being. He has written on the impact of climatic events on crop allocation and agricultural market performance, and the interaction among technology-input adoption, risk and agriculture insurance. He has also done research in the economics and management implications of share contracts in artisanal fisheries and transition into small-scale aquaculture. Furthermore, he has served as an economist consultant for several private and public institutions, such as the Government of Biobío Region, Production Development Corporation (CORFO), the Undersecretary of Fisheries and Aquaculture (SUBPESCA), Undersecretary of Regional Development (SUBDERE), National Institute of Agricultural Development (INDAP), National Service of Training and Employment (SENCE), Endesa (ENEL Group) among others. The results of his research have been published in several scientific journals including, among others, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Food Policy, Marine Resource Economics, The Journal of Development Studies, The Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resources Economics, Journal of Environmental Management, Environment and Development Economics, Aquaculture Economics & Management.

Ashish Kumar Sedai

Matt Shupler

Maximiliane Sievert

Mukti Nath Subedi

Marta Talevi

Adolfo Uribe

Alejandra Marcela Vanegas Diaz