Schedule – SETI 2021 Virtual Workshop

Here you can find the schedule for the SETI 2021 Virtual Workshop! This year the conference will take place on June 17-19, 09:00am-12:40pm Eastern Time, and will include policy, research, and flash talk sessions. If you want to participate in this conference, please complete a short survey here. We will reach to you in order to share the schedule with Zoom links.

Day 1 – Thursday, June 17

09:00 – 09:10: Opening Statements

By Gunnar Köhlin, Marcela Jaime and Marc Jeuland.

09:10 – 10:30. First policy session: Green Growth and Inclusive Decarbonization

Moderator: Robert Fetter (Duke University).

Lily Odarno

Clean Air Task Force

Carlos Muñoz

WRI Mexico

Kartikeya Singh

CSIS and SED Fund

Jay Taneja

UMass Amherst

10:30 – 10:40. Break

10:40 – 12:40. Research parallel sessions

1A: Energy transition

Chair: Sied Hassen

10:40 – 11:10. Chenxi Xiang. Is utility loss from mandate justified by unrealized gain? Evidence from heating energy transition program in China. Discussant: Leonardo Salazar.

11:10 – 11:40. Ashish Sedai. Electrification and Welfare for the Marginalized: Evidence from India. Discussant: Sied Hassen.

11:40 – 12:10. Matthew Shupler. Energy Insecurity Influences Urban Outdoor Air Pollution Levels during COVID-19 Lockdown in South-Central Chile. Discussant: Patrick Behrer.

12:10 – 12:40. Patrick Behrer. Earth, wind, and fire: The impact of anti-poverty efforts on Indian agriculture and air pollution. Discussant: Ashish Sedai.

1B: Cooking and environment

Chair: Marc Jeuland

10:40 – 11:10. Dawit Diriba Guta. Household Energy Transition and Suspension of Solid Fuel: Evidence from Indian Panel Data. Discussant: Marta Talevi.

11:10 – 11:40. Marta Talevi. Speaking from experience: preferences for cooking with biogas in rural India. Discussant: Marc Jeuland.

11:40 – 12:10. Adolfo Uribe. Private Benefits from Air Pollution Reduction Policies: Evidence from Across the Chilean Income Distribution. Discussant: Dawit Diriba Guta.

12:10 – 12:40. Raavi Aggarwal. Collective model of household consumption, production & labour supply: Evidence from Kenya. Discussant: Eshita Gupta.

1C: Electricity

Chair: Claudia Aravena

10:40 – 11:10. Shefali Khanna. Short- and Long-Run Consumption and Non-Payment Responses to Retail Electricity Prices in India. Discussant: Lunyu Xie.

11:10 – 11:40. Disha Gupta. Free Power, Irrigation and Groundwater Depletion: Impact of the Farm Electricity Policy of Punjab, India. Discussant: Nabaraj Gautam.

11:40 – 12:10. Matthias Galan. Contestation in the making: Studying perceptions of the interplay of global and local production networks in the Indian off-grid solar sector. Discussant: Disha Gupta.

12:10 – 12:40. Stefan Ambec. Unilateral carbon policy with electricity trade. Discussant: Matthias Galan.

1D: Energy demand

Chair: Walter Gómez

10:40 – 11:10. Abebe Damte Beyene. Prepaid meters and household electricity consumption, appliance ownership, and behavior: Evidence from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Discussant: Prachi Singh.

11:10 – 11:40. Daniel Abah. Trends of wood fuel production and consumption and the energy matrix in Nigeria (1990-2020): Implications on the household poverty level. Discussant: Walter Gómez.

11:40 – 12:10. Jennifer Meyer. Gendered Time-Saving Benefits of LPG Fuel Use. Discussant: Abebe Damte Beyene.


12:40 – . Social activity

Day 2 – Friday, June 18

09:00 – 09:10: Opening Statements

By Subhrendu Pattanayak and Mauricio Oyarzo.

09:10 – 10:30. Second policy session: Air pollution and energy transition in Chile

Moderator: Carlos Chávez (Universidad de Talca, Chile).

Pilar Lapuente

UN Environment

Rodrigo Fica

Ministerial Regional Service of Environment: Maule

Mario Delannays

Ministerial Regional Service of Environment: Biobío

10:30 – 10:40. Break

10:40 – 12:40. Research parallel sessions

2A: Air pollution

Chair: César Salazar

10:40 – 11:10. Bishal Bharadwaj. Impacts of Solar Subsidy: Evidence from Geographic Regression Discontinuity Design in Nepal. Discussant: Carlos Chávez.

11:10 – 11:40. Marcela Jaime. Fuelwood use and air pollution in urban Chile: Do poor and rich households contribute equally to this public bad? Discussant: Adolfo Uribe.

11:40 – 12:10. Maximiliane Sievert. Energy Efficiency and Local Rebound Effects: Theory and Experimental Evidence from Rwanda. Discussant: César Salazar.

12:10 – 12:40. César Salazar. Perceptions of problems and preferences for solutions: the case of poor air quality in central-southern Chile. Discussant: Maximiliane Sievert.

2B: Climate policy

Chair: Michael Toman

10:40 – 11:10. Siyu Feng. Innovation Trends in Electricity Storage: What Drives Global Innovation? Discussant: Manuel Estay.

11:10 – 11:40. Galina Alova. A machine-learning-based approach to investigating the impact of policies and market structures on technology choices and portfolio decarbonization by utility and independent power producer sectors internationally. Discussant: Robert Fetter.

11:40 – 12:10. Krishnapriya Parameswaran Perumbillissery. The puzzle of mitigating agricultural residue burning in India. Discussant: Michael Toman.

12:10 – 12:40. Nathaly Rivera. The Health Benefits of Solar Power Generation: Evidence from Chile. Discussant: Mauricio Oyarzo.

2C: Flash talks I

Chair: Subhrendu Pattanayak

10:40-10:55. Dawit Diriba Guta. Misalignment of households revealed and stated tree-species preferences for firewood in the South of Chile and implications for native forests.

10:55-11:10. Marcela Vanegas. From biomass to LPG: energy transition in rural communities of Patagonia, Argentina, and Covid-19 risks.

11:10-11:25. Rene Reyes. When energy transition lags economic growth: Persistence of fuelwood consumption in the South of Chile.

11:25-11:40. Ipsita Das. Willingness to pay for cooking fuels: results from a contingent valuation experiment in urban Kenya and Tanzania.

11:40-11-55. Frank Adusah-Poku. Re-examining the determinants of electricity demand in Ghana: The role of power crises in Ghana.

12:40 – . Social activity

Day 3 – Saturday, June 19

09:00 – 09:10: Closing remarks

By Marcela Jaime, Gunnar Köhlin and Cristóbal Vásquez.

09:10 – 10:30. Third policy session: Gender Mainstreaming in the Energy Transition

Moderator: Victoria Plutshack (Duke University).

Michael Tawiah

Ministry of Energy - Ghana

Joy Clancy


Nathyeli Acuna


Lydia Muchiri

Practical Action - Kenya

10:30 – 10:40. Break

10:40 – 12:40. Research parallel sessions

3A: Energy, gender and development

Chair: María del Pilar López

10:40 – 11:10. Mukti Nath Subedi. The decentralized energy system, education, gender, and caste: Evidence from Nepal’s micro-hydropower (MHP). Discussant: Krishnapriya Parameswaran Perumbillissery.

11:10 – 11:40. Shivangi Jain. Eat, Drink, Man, Woman: Influence of Women’s Empowerment on Energy Technology Adoption in Myanma. Discussant: Mukti Nath Subedi.

11:40 – 12:10. Michael Hou. A Review of Impacts of Electricity Tariff Reform in Africa. Discussant: Meera Mahadevan.

12:10 – 12:40. Meera Mahadevan. Reducing Information Asymmetries in the Solar Market: Experimental Evidence from India. Discussant: Bishal Bharadwaj.

3B: Flash talks II

Chair: Mauricio Oyarzo

10:40-10:55. Julian Rose. The Role of Charcoal – A Comprehensive Value Chain Analysis in Senegal. 

10:55-11:10. Yusuph John Kulindwa. Spillover effects of tree planting programs on household fuelwood supply in non-urban areas: A propensity score analysis. 

11:10-11:25. Juan Fercovic López. Heating fuel choices in Chilean Households, and the Persistence of Wood Consumption. 

11:25-11:40. Erin Litzow. The affordability challenge: Evaluating the role of consumer-targeted subsidies in alleviating energy poverty. 

12:40 – . Social activity

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