In the News

Recent Updates from the James E. Rogers Energy Access Project

Productive Use News

New Working Paper: Electrification to Grow Manufacturing? Evidence from Nepal

In the inaugural working paper of our new series, Robyn Meeks and co-authors explore the impacts that access to electricity through microhydro in Nepal has on labor and manufacturing.

March 22, 2021

Data+ Call for Applications

Consider applying to join the Energy Access Project’s Data+ project, Taking electrification on the road: Exploring the impact of the Electric Farm Equipment roadshow!

January 10, 2020

Socioeconomic Benefits of Off-Grid Solar: Focus on Productive Uses

EAP’s team members Jonathan Phillips, Rob Fetter and Rajah Saparapa presented their research on the True Cost of Solar Tariffs in East Africa to the Community of Champions. The webinar was organized by GOGLA on the Socioeconomic Benefits of Off-Grid Solar: Focus on Productive Uses.
You can access the webinar slides and recordings below

December 2, 2019

Brookings Blog: Can microgrids enable macro development?

Developers, donors, and customers are increasingly interested in the potential for microgrids to provide power to hundreds of millions of people who lack it. The Energy Access Project and partners test business model interventions to unlock that potential.

July 1, 2019

Profits and Productivity

This brief provides a snapshot of the relevant demand-stimulating lessons learned in the off-grid space as well as those that have been pursued by governments and utilities in the past.

June 3, 2019

Research Agenda on Electrification Access and Productive Use

After a joint convening between Duke’s Energy Access Project and Oxfam, researchers and practitioners have compiled the most pressing and understudied questions that address the complex relationship between electricity access, productive end uses of electricity, and local economic development.

April 4, 2019
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