In the News
Rajah Saparapa News
Understanding Gender and Energy Key to Sustainable Development Goals
A new review published in Nature Energy examining more than 100 research articles concludes that despite the profound importance of and commitment to the UN Sustainable Development Goals for gender equality (SDG5) and universal access to modern energy (SDG7), there are gaps in knowledge about the relationship between gender and energy that could hinder progress toward these goals.
Powering Empowerment
Experts from over 10 time zones and 35 countries came together May 12-13th for our first ever virtual workshop – Energy Access through a Gender Lens!
Socioeconomic Benefits of Off-Grid Solar: Focus on Productive Uses
EAP’s team members Jonathan Phillips, Rob Fetter and Rajah Saparapa presented their research on the True Cost of Solar Tariffs in East Africa to the Community of Champions. The webinar was organized by GOGLA on the Socioeconomic Benefits of Off-Grid Solar: Focus on Productive Uses.
You can access the webinar slides and recordings below
Welcome Rajah Saparapa!
Energy Access Project is excited to welcome its newest member Rajah Saparapa as a Policy Associate!