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Systems Modeling News
Harnessing Data Analytics to Accelerate Energy Access: Reflections from a Duke-RTI Convening on Data for Development
This document presents a vision and summary of how development and scaling of new tools, and application of big data analysis principles, have the potential to transform energy systems planning, policy design and implementation, and investment decisions.
The Energy Access Dividend
The Energy Access Project at Duke in collaboration with the Inter-American Development Bank and Sustainable Energy For All, have developed an Energy Access Dividend for Haiti and Honduras with the aim of quantifying the electrification benefits forgone over a country’s business-as-usual electrification transition.
Data for Development: Using Data Analytics to Accelerate Energy Access
The Energy Access Project at Duke University (EAP) and RTI International cordially invite you attend the convening Data for Development: Using Data Analytics to Accelerate Global Energy Access in Washington, DC on December 6, 2019.