In the News

Gender News
Building Back Better Means Unleashing the Power of Women
Victoria Plutshack argues for why incorporating women into the energy ecosystem is a critical part of the Build Back Better agenda.
Benefits of Action to Reduce Household Air Pollution (BAR-HAP) Tool
Two of our team members, Marc Jeuland and Ipsita Das, assisted in developing the WHO Benefits of Action to Reduce Household Air Pollution (BAR-HAP) Tool, which is a planning tool for assessing the costs and benefits of different interventions to address the global burden of disease associated with cooking-related household air pollution.
Powering Empowerment
Experts from over 10 time zones and 35 countries came together May 12-13th for our first ever virtual workshop – Energy Access through a Gender Lens!
A series of Events with Olasimbo Sojinrin
We will be hosting a series of events with Ms. Olasimbo Sojinrin. Olasimbo is the country director of Solar Sister in Nigeria. Solar Sister is an organization that enables electrification in last-mile rural communities by training its women to be entrepreneurs that distribute clean energy technology in their home communities. Their work spans across 5 countries, and they have enabled over 10,000 entrepreneurs.
Story+ Call for Applications
Consider applying to join the Energy Access Project’s Story+ project, Joining the electric circus: rural electrification and gender in the papers of Louisan Mamer!