New Data and Technologies are Transforming Energy Access

New Data and Technologies are Transforming Energy Access

New Data and Technologies are Transforming Energy Access Technologies like geospatial imagery, machine learning and affordable batteries are generating ever more innovative ways to target customers with off-grid energy solutions. But according to analysts at the Duke...
Ayooluwa Balogun: Energy Access in the City

Ayooluwa Balogun: Energy Access in the City

Ayooluwa Balogun: Energy Access in the City I came into my summer internship at Aspire Power Solutions with a birds-eye view of the energy access problem. I had just finished a Bass connections class focused on the energy access landscape in Zambia. The Bass...
Energy in Emerging Markets Career Trek in Washington, DC

Energy in Emerging Markets Career Trek in Washington, DC

Energy in Emerging Markets Career Trek Washington, DC The Duke Energy Access Project (EAP) is organizing a career trek for a limited number of students to Washington DC, from January 23rd to 24th 2020 focused on energy in emerging markets. Students will spend two days...
The Energy Access Dividend

The Energy Access Dividend

The Energy Access Dividend The Energy Access Project at Duke in collaboration with the Inter-American Development Bank and Sustainable Energy For All, have developed an Energy Access Dividend for Haiti and Honduras with the aim of quantifying the electrification...
Socioeconomic Benefits of Off-Grid Solar: Focus on Productive Uses

Socioeconomic Benefits of Off-Grid Solar: Focus on Productive Uses

EAP's team members Jonathan Phillips, Rob Fetter and Rajah Saparapa presented their research on the True Cost of Solar Tariffs in East Africa to the Community of Champions. The webinar was organized by GOGLA on the Socioeconomic Benefits of Off-Grid Solar: Focus on...
Data for Development: Using Data Analytics to Accelerate Energy Access

Data for Development: Using Data Analytics to Accelerate Energy Access

Duke University | RTI International Friday, December 6, 2019, 8:30am – 2:00pm 1201 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Suite 500, Washington D.C. The Energy Access Project at Duke University (EAP) and RTI International cordially invite you attend the convening Data for Development:...
Improving Electricity Access Through Microgrids in Africa

Improving Electricity Access Through Microgrids in Africa

Improving Electricity Access Through Microgrids in Africa Duke University is partnering with CrossBoundary LLC, the Rockefeller Foundation, and leading microgrid providers in East Africa to identify and evaluate interventions to improve the economic sustainability of...
Powering Health Care

Powering Health Care

Powering Health Care Electrification and rural health care Energy Access, Coping Costs, and Patient Outcomes in Uganda Health Clinics Although electricity is critical for high-quality health care—providing fundamental services like lighting, refrigeration, and power...
Alex Weck: Engineering Solutions

Alex Weck: Engineering Solutions

Alex Weck spent the summer of 2018 in rural Indonesia as an energy engineering intern with Institut Bisnis dan Ekonomi Kerakyatan (IBEKA). His internship was funded, in part, by an Energy Access Project program that sponsors student work via internships or research...
Podcast: A Small Green Idea to Power Rural Nepal

Podcast: A Small Green Idea to Power Rural Nepal

As Subhrendu Pattanayak and a group of researchers from Duke University navigate narrow catwalks high into the Annapurna mountain range in the Himalayas, they begin to understand first-hand the difficulties of establishing any set infrastructure in such difficult...
Taxes, subsidies and clean energy technologies

Taxes, subsidies and clean energy technologies

Taxes, subsidies and clean energy technologies Many low-and middle-income countries are increasing or reinstating taxes on clean energy technologies in an attempt to meet the nation’s fiscal objectives, especially in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, low-income...
Taxes, subsidies and clean energy technologies

Import Tariffs – New Publication!

Researchers from Duke Energy Access Project have analyzed the price sensitivity of bottom of the pyramid consumers in East Africa, establishing the negative impacts of high solar import tariffs for solar...
Benin Off Grid Energy Access Incentives

Benin Off Grid Energy Access Incentives

Benin Off Grid Energy Access Incentives Only about 41% of the population of Benin had access to electricity as of 2016. In rural areas, where just over half of Benin’s population live, access was only about 18%. In addition, “access” (having any electricity or not)...
Optimizing Policy to Accelerate Access in Ethiopia

Optimizing Policy to Accelerate Access in Ethiopia

Optimizing Policy to Accelerate Access in Ethiopia Evaluating tariff reform, private sector participation, energy audits and smart meters The Ethiopian government has set a goal of 100% electricity access through both on and off grid solutions by 2025. This...
Can Household Biogas Deliver Sustainable Development?

Can Household Biogas Deliver Sustainable Development?

Robyn Meeks and collaborators offer new evidence on household biogas systems which suggests that biogas use reduces collect firewood and time spent collecting fuel, reducing pressure on forest stocks and shifting household time allocation towards higher value...
SETI: Call for Papers

SETI: Call for Papers

Apply now! Spring Meeting of the Sustainable Energy Transitions Initiative (SETI) May 15-17, 2019 University of Talca, Santiago, Chile Deadline for submissions: February 15, 2019 via the submission form, linked here. We are very pleased to announce that the fourth...
Winter Forum 2019: All Systems Go!

Winter Forum 2019: All Systems Go!

Mobilizing Technology and Business Models to Close the Energy Gap Billions of people lack access to the reliable, affordable, and sustainable energy systems that form the backbone of job creation and broader economic growth. How this shortfall is addressed over the...
Electrification and Employment in India

Electrification and Employment in India

Electrification and Employment in India What makes electrification “work” in some places and not in others? What connects smallholder farmers in the semi-arid tracts of northwest India to the oil and gas barons of Texas and Oklahoma? A little green bean called guar!...
Data+ 2019

Data+ 2019

Applications open now! Data+ is a 10-week summer research experience that welcomes Duke undergraduates interested in exploring new data-driven approaches to interdisciplinary challenges. Students join small project teams, collaborating with other teams in a communal...
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